Learn the material of the theme "School Life"

Сайт: Дистанційне навчання в школі
Курс: Загорулько Т.С. Англійська мова 11 клас
Книга: Learn the material of the theme "School Life"
Надруковано: Гість-користувач
Дата: четвер 19 вересня 2024 04:49 AM

1. Education and Training

My dear students, watch the video and write about your plans for the next year (10 sentences).

2. Learning English

My dear students, think over....Why should we learn English? Watch the video.

Then I propose you to read the article "Why shouldn`t we learn English?"


 Think over.... Should or Shouldn`t we learn English???

Write 12-15 sentences-answers on this question.

3. Grammar Practice

My dear students, revise the Grammar material "Conditionals".

Do the test "Conditionals". You can do it only one time during 20 minutes. Good luck!


4. Listening-Comprehension

My dear students, listen to the dialogue and do tasks 4,5 on p.27.

5. Conditionals in English Proverbs

My dear students, read the material "Conditional Mood Examples in Proverbs and Quotations".


Revise the material and play!

6. Project Work

My dear students, you should make a presentation on the topic 
"The Importance of English" (8-10 slides) and send me on my email. 
I give you the next presentation as an example.
Good luck!