Матеріали до уроку 5 (книга)

Сайт: Дистанційне навчання в школі
Курс: Дониченко Л.Є. Англійська мова. 9 клас
Книга: Матеріали до уроку 5 (книга)
Надруковано: Гість-користувач
Дата: понеділок 9 вересня 2024 01:51 AM

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What Are The Biggest Environmental Problems?

“Problems with the planet’s system (air, water, soil, etc.) that have arisen as a result of human intervention or maltreatment of the earth” are referred to as “environmental problems.” When there is a change in the quantity or quality of an environmental factor that has an impact on everything on Earth, whether directly or indirectly, that is when an environmental problem arises.

Our entire world is currently affected by a multitude of environmental problems. Acid rain, air pollution, global warming, hazardous wastes, ozone depletion, smog, water pollution, overcrowding, and forest loss are some of the world’s biggest environmental issues right now. It is relevant to everyone on Earth, not just the environment. It has an impact on every nation, animal, and person on Earth. Some of the biggest environmental problems are discussed herein:

What Are The Biggest Environmental Problems?

1. Pollution

Pollution is the unwanted addition of substances to water, land, or air that have a negative impact on human existence, other animals, living circumstances, and our natural resources. It happens on a local as well as a global scale.

Major problems arising from air pollution are the release of carbon monoxide, which lowers the amount of fresh oxygen in the atmosphere and leads to respiratory ailments. Lead release from industries and incinerators leads to nervous and cardiovascular disorders in people. Similarly, water pollution leads to the death of aquatic species and also gives birth to many waterborne diseases.

2. Waste Disposal

The collection, processing, and dumping of human society’s waste materials are known as waste disposal. The source and composition of waste are categorized. The components of waste materials can either be harmful or inert in terms of their effects on human health and the environment, and they can be either liquid or solid in form.

Broken glass, used cell phones, used battery cells, and used plastic bags are all examples of products that need to be properly disposed of in order to minimize environmental damage. Solid waste, sewage, hazardous waste, and electronic trash are all commonly referred to as waste. The major source of waste is municipal waste, agricultural waste, industrial waste, and construction and demolition waste.

3. Desertification

Desertification is a form of land degradation that occurs in dry places where biological production is lost as a result of biotic processes or as a result of human activity, making fertile areas more and more arid. It is the expansion of dry regions brought on by a number of variables, including climate change and excessive soil exploitation due to human activity. The various causes of desertification are deforestation, farming practices, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, overgrazing, and over-drafting of groundwater. Desertification affects farming and leads to flooding, biodiversity loss, extinction of species, and migration of the fauna.

4. Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is the absence of adequate water resources to meet regional water usage demands. More than 1.2 billion people do not have access to clean water for drinking. Water crises, shortages, deficits, and stress are all examples of water scarcity. Physical and economical water shortages are both possible causes of water scarcity. Physical water scarcity occurs when a region’s natural water resources cannot keep up with demand, whereas economic water scarcity is a result of inadequate water management.

Water scarcity occurs due to overuse of water, pollution of water, global warming, illegal dumping, and natural disasters. Due to water scarcity, many issues arise, like lack of access to drinking water, hunger, poverty, disease and sanitation issues and destruction of habitats, and biodiversity loss.

5. Global Warming

The extremely quick rise in the planet’s average temperature over the past century is known as global warming, and it is mostly caused by greenhouse gases that are emitted when people burn fossil fuels. When greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants grow in the atmosphere, they absorb sunlight and solar radiation that has already been reflected off the surface of the Earth. Ordinarily, this radiation would escape into space, but because these pollutants may prevail in the atmosphere for many years, they trap the heat, making the planet hotter, thus called the greenhouse effect.

Global warming arises due to both natural and man-made factors. Natural being the eruption of volcanoes, and man-made being the burning of fossil fuels for industries, mining, and deforestation. The foremost effect of global warming is the melting of polar ice caps, which will lead to a rise in sea levels. The polar species will lose their habitats due to the changing environmental conditions.

6. Ocean Acidification

The continuing lowering of the pH of the seas due to the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is known as ocean acidification. When seawater has a pH above 7, ocean acidification results in a shift toward pH-neutral conditions rather than acidic conditions (pH 7). Ocean acidification is a result of carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels dissolving in seawater and producing carbonic acid, which lowers the pH of the ocean’s water. Due to ocean acidification, coral reefs are lost, the food chain is disturbed, a decline in the local economy occurs due to a lack of fish and marine products, and human health is also impacted.

7. Acid Rain

Any type of precipitation that contains acidic elements, like sulfuric or nitric acid, that falls from the atmosphere in wet or dry forms on the ground is referred to as acid rain, also known as acid deposition. Rain, snow, fog, hail, and even acidic dust might fall under this category. Infrastructure, aquatic life, and vegetation may all suffer negative consequences. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions cause acid rain by reacting with the water molecules in the atmosphere to create acids.

8. Ozone Layer Depletion

The upper atmosphere’s ozone layer gets thinned due to ozone layer depletion. This occurs when ozone molecules come into an interface with chlorine and bromine atoms in the atmosphere and are broken down. Ozone molecules can be destroyed by one chlorine molecule. It doesn’t get made as quickly as it gets destroyed. When exposed to intense ultraviolet radiation, some substances emit chlorine and bromine, which then adds to the ozone layer’s thinning.

Chlorofluorocarbons, carbon tetrachloride, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and methyl chloroform are examples of chemicals that deplete the ozone layer. Although hydrobromofluorocarbons, methyl bromide, and halons are all ozone-depleting compounds that include bromine. The most prevalent chemical that depletes the ozone layer is chlorofluorocarbons. The only time the chlorine atom does not react with ozone is when it interacts with another molecule.

How Can Environmental Problems Be Resolved?

We as individuals have the most important role to play in protecting our environment. Our small steps and awareness can lead toward sustainable development.

1. Use reusable things instead of disposable ones.

2. Avoid using paper whenever possible.

3. Conserve electricity and water.

4. Encourage eco-friendly behaviors.

5. To preserve natural resources, recycle garbage.

Environmental problems are a sign of an impending catastrophe. There won’t be any life on Earth in the near future if these problems are not resolved. The environment is in a really bad state right now, something that our ancestors could never have imagined. By misusing the resources of our environment, we have continuously harmed it.

We can see that pollution is spreading swiftly around the globe every day, whether it be through deforestation, acid rain, or other catastrophic natural calamities brought on by human-caused technological growth. It is important to execute and implement the use of natural resources wisely in order to give our future generation a better, healthier existence.
